Skyline Men’s Retreat - March 8-10
Jacob’s Ladder Retreat Center
880876 South 3390 Road, Chandler, OK
Speaker: Lance Humphreys
Cost: $100
Includes meals on Saturday and Sunday Morning, Lodging and Materials.
Tentative Schedule:
Friday, March 8 - The camp will be open all day to take advantage of the space at Jacob’s Ladder and get some time alone with God. Abiding Journals will be available for those able to take the day off and get some time alone with God.
Friday Evening -
Dinner on your own in Chandler
Worship starts at 8PM
Lodging at Jacob’s Ladder
Saturday, March 9
Continental Breakfast starts at 8AM
Worship starts at 9AM
(Lunch and Dinner provided by Frank Alberson’s Food Truck)
Free afternoon with a wide range of activities
Dinner starts at 5:30 PM
Worship begins at 7.
Lodging at Jacob’s Ladder
Sunday, March 10
Breakfast and caravan back to church.
Register here: