Schedule At-A-Glance
Sunday Mornings: Kids 0-preK go to class for the entire service (check-in before worship at the Kids Building, accessible through the south doors of the main building). Elementary kids K-4th grade begin in the Sanctuary with their parents and are dismissed to class before the sermon.
Wednesday Nights: All kids 0-4th grade go to class in the Kids Building for the entire worship service.
5th and 6th Grade: On the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of each month, 5th & 6th graders are dismissed before the sermon and are sent back to the Sanctuary at the end of service. On Wednesday nights, 5th & 6th grade students stay in for worship with their parents.
Middle School: 7th and 8th grade students remain in the service with their parents on Sundays and Wednesdays. Middle School House Groups meet every other Sunday.
High School: 9th—12th grade students remain in the service on Sundays and Wednesdays. High School House Groups meet every Sunday night.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help marriages and families thrive. We place a very high value on marriages and families because those are the primary contexts in which we are called to “be” Jesus. They’re also the places where we practice the most in learning to become like Him.
Through marriage and parenting, our capacity to experience God’s love can be strengthened and developed with an intentional and proactive approach. With that in mind, Skyline has created a clear strategy designed to help marriages and families thrive.
Skyline Church is a Generational Community. This means there is an intentional partnership between church and home that’s focused on passing our faith to future generations. We’ve learned that to pass on our faith effectively, it takes parents whose hearts long to ABIDE in Jesus daily, make an intentional effort to CREATE A CULTURE OF GRACE in their home, and BUILD DISCIPLESHIP CIRCLES in the lives of their children.
Abiding is being connected to the vine. Jesus says “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing"..."This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples"..."You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last.”
Creating a Culture of Grace is about parents connecting with the heart of their children in such a way that helps them more easily connect with the heart of God. Parents are to be ambassadors of God's grace in the way they love, forgive communicate, discipline, and in the way they understand that we are all in God's process.
Building a Discipleship Circle is about surrounding our children with a circle of influencers that love them and love Jesus. Parents need to widen the circles of people that will intentionally invest in their children. The church is one of the greatest places for parents to draw from in creating these circles.
Skyline is deeply committed to coming alongside parents to equip them in their role as spiritual leaders of their families. We do this by providing encouragement, training, and resources.
Encouragement: We know parenting is hard. Being an intentional spiritual leader for your children is even harder! We hope to encourage you in the ups and downs of raising your children, whether it’s through lunch, coffee, a helpful article, a class, parenting small group, an email, prayer, or through an encouraging sermon.
Training: We’ve designed small groups that meet for four-week sessions to discuss parenting in a comfortable home environment. There are also other training opportunities throughout the year, including marriage and parenting seminars, retreats, camps, and missions opportunities.
Resources: Our Family Ministry staff has built an extensive library of resources to walk with you through every stage of marriage and parenting. New resources are often being developed to assist parents in their role as spiritual leaders. Our staff is available to share and discuss these resources to fit your family’s needs.
We believe married couples need a place to learn and share alongside other couples. Marriage requires a radical commitment to love our spouses as they are, while longing for them to become what they are not yet. We believe a healthy marriage is dependent on God, will stretch our capacity to love, and help us grow in the character of Jesus. Skyline is committed to walking with married couples through intentional small groups, large group gatherings, and individual mentoring.
Small Groups: We’ve designed small groups that meet in a comfortable home environment for four weeks at a time to discuss core habits of a healthy marriage.
Large Groups: These experiences are typically one-night events that take place three times a year. These events are the perfect setting to gather with our community for a night of laughter and fun. It’s also a great place to invite other couples as an entry to our Skyline family.
Couples: These experiences include date night ideas, monthly emails, helpful check-up tools, and marriage mentoring. Marriage mentoring, as well as pre-marriage and pre-engagement mentoring are available for all Skyline couples to meet with other seasoned and qualified couples. This is available upon request.
Questions? Email the following for more info:
Preschool (0-preK) -
Elementary (K-4th grade) -
Middle & High School -
Marriage & Parenting –